Wednesday, February 16, 2011

High School and College Student Call for Entries

2011 Brass Ring Awards

The Brass Ring Awards competition was started in 1985 with 85 entries from 6 Oklahoma universities. The initial purpose of the show was to raise the quality of work being produced in Oklahoma through the healthy venue of competition. Of the 85 entries, over one-half of them were in the category of illustration.

Click below to go to the Brass Ring Awards' official website for the call for entries and submissions

Official Brass Ring Awards Website
Sponsored by Oklahoma Christian University Art + Design

Prizes: “Best of Show”, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit awards in each category are based on the judges’ scoring. All winners will be shown online. “Best of Show” winners will receive an acrylic trophy and cash prize (based on the total number of entries).

$5.00 = High School per entry
$9.00 = College per entry
* There is no limit on entries! We accept credit card payments through PayPal (you do not need to have a Paypal account to pay).

Groups: We will accept checks from High Schools and Universities entering student work of 25+ (or more). Your teacher can contact if that applies to your school entries.

Eligibility: All college and university undergraduates and high school students.

Contest Starts: February 1, 2011

Deadline: Noon, February 24, 2011

The Brass Ring Awards competition is designed to motivate and reward students for excellence in art and design. This year marks the 25th year for the Brass Ring Awards, which attracted 1,239 entries in 2010, from 60 universities and 18 high schools.
In 2010 there were 60 universities, representing 411 entries from 27 states. We also have over 40 categories and have included video, animation and game design. The High School competition was introduced in 2000 and in 2010 we had 17 high schools representing 107 entries.
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